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The IT Department of the Future

Author: Roy Reynolds, VCG Chief Information Officer

近年来,随着技术的不断加速,IT部门面临着巨大的挑战. 随着企业为生存而转型,弹性工作制正在取代传统模式, and the buck always stops with IT.

Ubiquitous connectivity, web-based apps, and secure cloud services mean work is now something we do, not somewhere we go, and connecting to systems at anytime, anywhere, 在任何设备上都已成为一种常态——提高员工的工作效率, with IT departments keeping everything operational and secure.

Skill Shortages, Complex Security, 24-hour Support.

由于IT人才的短缺影响到每个人,因此开发和实施IT战略对每个人来说都是一项挑战. 由于IT团队通常规模较小,因此中小型企业面临风险, and when a team member leaves, 在操作人员配置上出现了一个大漏洞——尤其是潜伏的和一直存在的人员 security threats from cyberspace are ever more menacing and dangerous.

Everything’s fine at the moment, but…

当熟练可靠的IT人员跳槽时,他们很难被取代. It’s the same for our business too, 但作为一家IT服务公司,我们有一支相当规模的高技能团队来承担工作量. 迫切招聘和替换某人的压力并没有那么大——我们可以花时间挖掘和雇用最优秀的人才, which is a benefit for our customers as well.

技术是不断发展的,跟上最新的进步需要时间和精力. Increased complexity, especially in cyber security, 这意味着犯罪分子和it专业人士之间正在进行“军备竞赛”. The question is; how long can companies continue to manage security in-house before a serious incident occurs?

Outsource or Managed Services?

与专业的IT服务合作伙伴合作以补充内部资源正在成为常态, 在我看来,太多的IT公司试图推动全面外包高于一切, because of course – it makes the most money for them. 但是那些接受过外包宣传的人通常会告诉你同样的事情……外包的成本根本没有意义, 试图让财务总监相信,大幅提高运营成本实际上会节省大量成本,这是行不通的!

这就是为什么我相信将托管服务与内部功能相结合的明智使用会更有意义. 所需要的托管服务的范围显然取决于内部技能和资源的水平——以及业务发展的方向.

Retailing – a great example

As retailers 管理消费者习惯从高街到网上的转变, the operational needs of their physical estate are changing. In common with many industries, they need simple, secure, 以及与基于云的系统和应用程序的可靠连接. 专用连接将流量“在线”路由到我们安全核心站点的完全受保护和监控的互联网断点. Business class network connections are utilised at each customer location to speed up service and response times; and even though everything is becoming more complicated – client complexity is reduced as critical functionality is handled by our managed services desks. 我们的专业技术支持团队全天候监控和管理客户系统.

We’re all heading to the same place

已经说过很多次了,我们都将走向同一个目的地——公共云. It’s just a matter of how quickly you decide to get there, and that depends on your business strategy and investment plans. 现场硬件数量的减少减少了所需的内部支持数量, but it brings with it a different set of requirements.

招聘挑战和对操作简单性的需求意味着企业越来越多地将托管服务作为IT管理的经济有效解决方案. 托管服务提供商(msp)有一个可用的专家团队24×7 -确保您总是有人在手边处理任何问题. 服务主要扩展到对网络和系统的主动监视,以便在任何潜在问题成为问题之前检测和处理它们, reducing downtime and improving efficiency.

As much or as little as you need

托管服务是根据您的需要提供尽可能多或尽可能少的帮助来补充您的内部技能. They include everything from hardware supply, maintenance, software installation, upgrades, network management, security, and technical support. Companies save costs associated with hiring, training, and running a full team, 同时确保他们的技术基础设施是最新的,并顺利运行.

Furthermore, 托管服务使组织能够专注于其核心竞争力和战略业务目标, rather than worrying about the day-to-day issues of IT management. Well-designed and supported systems help companies boost service, build relationships, 并创造客户忠诚度-推动增加收入和利润.

企业需要灵活的用户友好型IT,能够快速适应不断变化的环境,并且易于使用, cost efficient services that scale and flex as a business grows. Whether your focus is on business transformation, journey to the Cloud, managing networks, cyber security, data and applications, 在数字时代,信息技术对生存和成功从未如此重要.

如果您想了解更多十大网博靠谱平台的托管服务,以及我们如何帮助客户资源和支持他们的IT功能,请 contact us for an initial, exploratory conversation.

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