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Robert Moss, CEO, VCG

VCG 技术和IT转型专家的目标是帮助各种规模的组织实现数字化转型:从网络安全, to hybrid working, customer experience, data management or business continuity. We wanted to catch up with their CEO, Robert Moss, to find out what makes VCG different, how they're impacting other businesses, and hear about their ambitious plans for the next five years.

Could you tell us a bit about VCG and your goals as an organisation?

VCG is a technology transformation and managed service partner. 

What does that mean? 我们正在帮助不同规模的企业(从小到大)获得技术知识和专家建议,并适当调整其IT投资规模, regardless of vendor affiliation, platforms, locations or devices. 

我们专注于安全连接,并提供尽可能多的客户可能需要的服务,比如安全, voice, Microsoft, etc. These are packaged into easy-to-consume bundles, so customers find it seamless to transact, secure and monitor their network and digital assets. 

我们从系统集成商到IT管理服务合作伙伴的旅程是我们有机增长的结果, 与我们的客户和供应商建立有意义的伙伴关系. 

我们投资于人,并授权我们的员工将数字化转型和技术视为安全的必要投资和基础, resilient business future. 

这使我们能够带领我们的客户踏上现代化、转型和成长的旅程.  让客户觉得数字化转型是可行的是我们的组织目标.

And what is your role within the company? 


我的理念是让VCG成为技术市场的首选 & 管理IT服务,这在整个西北地区,也在全国范围内.

我们一直专注于使我们的服务与我们的客户相关, understanding challenges, and finding solutions we could solve together. Moving forward, 我希望我们能提升客户体验,重新调整我们的产品组合,与更多的企业产生共鸣,并变得更加贴近市场. 

How is your company impacting the small business sector?

VCG are providing a unique wraparound of services, 这些都有非常引人注目的财务解决方案. 

We’re not about just selling a single service to a customer, 它是问你的业务需求是什么,你今天面临的挑战是什么, then developing product that answer those questions. 我们正在通过设计与这些客户产生共鸣的新产品来推动这部分市场, 在他们周围添加其他技术,使客户不仅可以从VCG购买初始服务,而且可以很容易地添加其他服务. We’ve made it very simple for customers to transact with us, offering almost a buy and build sort of scenario. 

Most importantly, 我们为小企业提供的是围绕这些产品的客户服务水平,使他们能够在我们使用的技术中获得竞争力. We want to be a part of that and to grow it. Ultimately if they grow, we grow!

What steps does VCG take to attract and retain talent, and could you tell us a bit about your company culture?

Attracting the right people into the business, and giving somebody an opportunity to step up, is really important. 

The one thing about VCG, which was there long before I joined, is that we have a very good culture and we like to bring people in, 无论是在学徒计划中,还是作为毕业生开始他们的职业生涯, and train them up, giving them the tools to grow and a real career path.

VCG的另一个好处是,我们不介意员工在不同部门之间流动, or even shifting industries within our business. 我们提倡内部的职业发展道路,从内部进行提升, giving our employees the training and tools they need to do that. 

We also accept that you can do all that, and somebody might leave. But we can get people on that journey, providing them with the training, accreditations, and certificates they need. That adds value to us, even if they decide to move on in the end. 

That is our approach to bringing people in, 与其一直从业务外部寻找解决方案,我们更愿意引进原始人才,让他们在业务中发挥作用. 

We're a great business to work for, 我们可以给每个人提供工具和垫脚石来提升他们的职业生涯,最终提高他们的收入.


多年来,我在许多企业工作过,也见过其他组织在自己的家门口不是很突出. 对我来说,成为当地生态系统的一部分一直很重要, 因为在我看来,如果你不能在你的门框上建立一个值得信赖的客户群,那么你的企业就失败了.

Manchester is obviously a fantastic business opportunity. 它是那些投入了大量资金的地方之一,由于政府权力下放,它可能会得到进一步的投资, 所以成为十大网博靠谱平台科技生态系统的一部分真的很重要, and we will continue to invest here.

We will not only try and employ people from Greater Manchester, 但我们也将在十大网博靠谱平台部署技术和数据中心扩建. Stockport, aka Manchester, 将永远是我们业务技术方面的中心枢纽,这当然是我们扩张的动力所在.

Finally, what are your hopes for VCG for 2023? 

如前所述,VCG目前正在经历业务的重新定位. So this year we will be growing as a business, 随着我们与许多新企业合作,预计今年会有一些强劲的增长. 我们还想在斯托克波特办公室(切尔滕纳姆也是)围绕我们的技术创建一个卓越中心. 

我们今年余下时间的目标包括建立正确的结构, 推动可持续发展,同时招聘合适的人才.


Thank you Robert!

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