


Sean Brannigan is the Head of Security Operations and Response at TalkTalk.

We spoke to him to find out more about this role, his experience at TalkTalk, and what an average day looks like.

Name: Sean Brannigan        

Company: TalkTalk

Job Title: Head of Security Operations and Response

How did you get into your current role? 

My path to Cyber Security wasn’t a traditional one. I did a degree in Product Design at University, 直到我全职工作后,我才走上了技术之路. I first worked as a field engineer for BT, installing customer Broadband and TV packages, which I guess is a little ironic considering who I work for today. 离开BT后, 然后,我澳门十大正规赌博娱乐平台了一家相对较小的网络管理安全服务提供商的毕业生计划. I moved through various roles, before taking on the Shift Team Manager role looking after the 24x7 team. 

2016年2月,当我在这个职位上工作时,TalkTalk找到了我,让我担任SOC经理一职. The role offered a completely different challenge – maturing the cyber security journey. 我之前的经验是在另一边,为终端客户服务,而不是为终端客户工作. 然而, it was a really exciting opportunity and one that allowed me to build a brand-new team, systems and processes from scratch, 目标是成为卓越的网络安全事故应变中心. 

Over the following few years, 这个团队扩大了,并与其他安全部门合并——当我的前任经理离开时,我觉得自己已经准备好申请部门主管的职位了. I was successful in applying for the role, being able to cite 9 years’ experience as a manager by that point, 各种事件响应的战斗伤疤以及个人推动重大团队能力进步方面, during the interview process. 

随着业务的发展和变化,进入“负责人”的角色会带来新的挑战,但也会有很多很好的机会, it’s a rewarding job that I feel is vital to maintaining the security of that journey.

What do you enjoy most about working at TalkTalk?

我喜欢企业的挑战者心态,因为这是我日常生活和管理角色的一部分. 创造性和持续改进我们的人员发展、流程和技术. 我的总体目标是让我们最大限度地利用我们的能力——使我们能够尽可能地改进我们的事件检测和响应, so that we can respond effectively and efficiently when called upon. 

业务的灵活性和快节奏特性使我的团队能够灵活地使用新的工具功能, while we are trusted as security experts to deliver results into the business, which is very reassuring when it comes to being creative towards maturing our capabilities.


What does a typical day look like for you?

I normally have meetings about ongoing departmental initiatives each day, 同时也和我在安全领导团队的同事们交流——和我的团队进行1-2-1交流. 另外, 我主持一个跨职能的每日更新电话会议,更广泛的安全团队可以分享和讨论更广泛的更新和挑战. 

我还参与了公司内部的其他活动,重点是识别和改进任何可能阻碍我们实现年度业务战略的运营方面, such as poor collaboration, skill sharing or documentation issues.

As I am responsible for the success of my department’s strategy, 我日常工作的一部分包括确保其中商定的所有要素按预期进行, which can require escalation type conversations to keep them on track.

另外, I am available to my team as an escalation point, 确保任何事件响应或项目相关的问题都能得到解决,以实现预期的结果.

What is it like starting a new job post-pandemic?

I’d say it was certainly an interesting challenge. 大流行后我们面临的最大问题之一是通过让人们重新回到办公室来改善协作, but crucially feeling like they could work in a safe environment. 这需要根据个人的担忧进行一些敏感的对话,并在家庭工作和办公室工作之间取得平衡. 

For me personally, I had worked with my team members for a number of years by that point, so had built a good level of trust with my direct reports and the wider team. 因此, 同时实施一项重要的举措来改善团队结构和工作方式, the other key challenge was to ensure that everyone understood our departmental strategy, 他们中的每一个人都可以为战略的成功做出积极的贡献,我们的战略在哪里适合更广泛的商业战略成功.

What excites you the most about the work?

在过去的6年半里,我已经在更广泛的安全团队的支柱以及许多其他业务领域看到了这一点的真实证据,在业务中有很多积极变化的潜力. 我们有一些优秀的员工在这里工作,董事会把成为一家安全可靠的企业放在了真正的优先位置, which really helps support our security objectives. 我们正在我的团队中实施新的系统,我真的很兴奋,这将为我的同事带来新的机会,帮助他们自己的个人发展.

Have you learned anything new since you started?

It sounds very clichéd but I honestly learn new things all the time. I might have progressed upwards within the business over the last few years, 但如果没有我身边团队的专业知识和经验,没有安全部门其他领导的支持,我真的无法完成我的工作. I’m always learning new aspects about the business, who to speak to for all kinds of different requirements, 同时,我的团队还向我介绍了安全工具的新特性和令人兴奋的特性,这些特性使我们能够以协作的方式进步我们的成熟度.

I also hadn’t previously developed a departmental strategy before taking on the role, 但是,能够简明地详细说明总体战略并实现团队参与该战略是一种很棒的体验.

People management is obviously a significant part of my role too. While it can be challenging at times to manage a relatively large team, I’m always learning how to manage what can be unexpected situations for individuals. 然而, 作为一名管理者,能够从最初的消极情况中支持和影响一个积极的结果,这是这份工作中最有价值的部分之一.


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