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It may be a new age of digital consumerism, 但是,许多营销人员仍然在使用数字客户旅程地图和分析之前的老方法,但是这些方法仍然适用吗? Nowadays, 与过去相比,消费者在整个购买过程中拥有了更多的控制权, 那么,我们应该使用哪种营销框架来构建制胜战略呢?  

On one hand we have the marketing funnel, 世界各地的营销人员使用的一种久经考验的方法. 另一方面,我们有“看、想、做、关心”,一个由 Avinash Kaushik that is driven by customer data. 营销漏斗无疑是一种经过验证的方法, but as consumer habits have changed, so should the strategies used to engage with them. 在这里,我们详细介绍了两种不同营销策略之间微妙而深刻的差异.  

The Marketing Funnel 

The marketing funnel has been in play since 1898. Invented by E St Elmo, 该方法被公认为市场营销的第一个正式理论,一个多世纪以来一直是世界各地营销人员不可或缺的工具.  

The marketing funnel focuses on one customer journey, 引导消费者沿着购买漏斗向下走,直到他们最终从购买品牌的底部走出来. However, despite it being a reliable method, 漏斗方法是在我们手头可用的数据较少的时候设计的——这些数据可以让我们更好地理解消费者行为的复杂性.  

In the past, there were fewer routes to market. Except for having customers physically walk into your store, or splashing out on TV advertising, it was difficult to engage with consumers. 因为消费者依赖于本地,所以竞争较少, the best deal on the high street, and there were fewer opportunities to engage with a consumer. Now, thanks to the web, 消费者可以方便快捷地搜索产品. The user journey is longer, with more consideration and various touchpoints, 但它也让品牌有机会在买家旅程的不同阶段与目标受众接触.  

How does the marketing funnel work? 

Send Pulse 提供一个适合新时代的营销渠道的完美例子, applied by well-known make-up brand NYX.

  • 旅程开始了,当消费者与品牌互动并登陆品牌的Pinterest页面时,他们进入了漏斗的顶部, interest. A visual representation of the marketing funnel.

消费者将看到广告,广告中有相关的图片和简短的描述,其中包含到NYX网站的几个链接, moving the customer down into the next stage of the funnel, consideration. 

  • Once the consumer clicks on the promotional post, they are redirected to a specific section of the website, dedicated to this particular product. They are given a selection of different options to choose from, which meet their needs, leading them into the intent and evaluation stage of the funnel. 
  • Finally, a consumer can purchase the product in just two clicks, bringing them to the end of the marketing funnel. 

This is without a doubt a great strategy that will provide ROI. 然而,这种策略并不能满足数字消费者新时代的复杂性. 这就是“看、想、做、关心”方法脱颖而出的地方.  

See Think Do Care: a methodology for a new age 

You can learn more about STDC and its application in our blog however, to give you a brief overview:

现代技术和包括互联网在内的媒体的扩散,为在购买过程的每个阶段与客户接触和沟通提供了机会. STDC承认,消费者并不总是会在第一次接触你的品牌时进行交易. Therefore, the methodology supports a multi-channel marketing strategy that re-engages consumers. Using data to analyse the digital customer journey, STDC允许您满足他们的个人需求,并为消费者提供他们所需的所有信息, depending on where they are in the buyer funnel.  


Using data to understand your consumer behaviour, enabling you to identify the traits, 你最大的目标受众的习惯和爱好. 这些人现在不打算购买,但他们会对你提供的东西感兴趣. Therefore, you want to direct your efforts at these people, 这样当他们对你的产品或服务有需求时, you’re at the forefront of their minds. 


这些人有一些商业意图,但仍在做研究,以找到最好的品牌, product or service for their needs. 使用数据和关键词研究,你可以精确定位这些人正在寻找的信息. By catering to this need, answering their questions with relevant content and information, you are encouraging the consumer to engage with you again.  


现在我们的消费者有很多的意图,他们知道自己想要什么. The final decision is likely down to price, availability, delivery options, brand values and service reviews.  


这些人是您的现有客户,他们曾在多个场合向您购买过产品. 你的目标是建立品牌忠诚度,并确保他们一次又一次地回到你身边.  

分析工具使您能够准确地了解您的消费者在他们的旅程中的位置, enabling you to predict their next step. 

So, where does this leave the marketing funnel? 

营销漏斗没有考虑到的是,消费者会从铺设好的路径上掉下来. This image by Marketoonist captures the visual pretty well.


营销漏斗是在消费者甚至不知道他们需要你的服务之前就不可能识别和接触你的消费者的时候创建的. Yet now, not only can we offer better experiences for our customers, 但我们也可以清楚地了解归因和成功,从而获得更好的整体投资回报率. There is still a place for the marketing funnel, 但这需要扩展并纳入STDC等方法.  

PushON将“看、想、做、关心”的方法应用到我们所有的活动中,并取得了巨大的成功 Silver Cross. 要了解更多十大网博靠谱平台如何改变和改变你的营销策略, contact our team today. 

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