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从根本上说,十大网博靠谱平台意味着家. Growing up in Altrincham, 我一直都知道十大网博靠谱平台有着丰富的音乐文化遗产, science, art, fashion and football.

我还获得了政治学学位, so of course, I was aware of the likes of Emmeline Pankhurst and Alan Turing and I was proud to be in such good company.

But I think I always gravitated more towards the bright lights of London because it felt like there wasn't as much of a buzz in Manchester at the time. 就像很多人一样,感觉十大网博靠谱平台的全盛时期已经过去了, 我想建立一个体面的事业, it had to be in London.

但现在情况已经不同了. On a recent trip home, I hardly recognised the skyline –it looks more like Singapore than Manchester. It is a different city to the one I left and when it comes to ‘buzz’, nobody is doing it better.

Chanel Metiers d 'art Show就在这里举办(唯一的其他主办城市是巴黎), Rome and New York), 《十大网博靠谱平台》将十大网博靠谱平台列为2024年必去之地, just goes to show how things have changed on a world-wide scale and how much opportunity there is for the next generation - in tech and the economy in general.

That is why I am proud to represent a company that is making a firm commitment to Manchesters' long-term success. 花王数据(Kao Data)新投资3.5亿英镑建设一座40兆瓦的发电站, highly sustainable data centre will have a huge impact on the tech industry and the city as a whole.

十大网博靠谱平台不再是科技领域的挑战者, 这里聚集了一些英国顶尖的研究人员, academics, Unicorn’s and Start-Ups, and the data centre reinforces the city’s legitimacy as an international tech hub positioning it very much at the top table of next-tier data centre hubs within the UK and Europe.

For data-intensive businesses within Greater Manchester (many of whom use data centres in London due to the lack of local facilities able to cater for their requirements) and international giants of computing, our new data centre in Stockport will open up a whole variety of new opportunities for the colocation of their compute. 

The data centre will act as a huge catalyst for sparking this area of Greater Manchester into a new tech zone, 提供以前不一定存在的新工作机会.

For the wider community, 我们知道我们有很多工作要做,来解释在家门口建立数据中心的好处. 我把它描述为一种“保持科技之灯亮着”的手段。! 数据中心支撑着我们的数字生活,虽然我们可能没有意识到这一点, we’re in close contact with a data centre via our mobiles and other digital devices pretty much throughout the entire day.

十大网博靠谱平台正在快速扩张,估计有7个.200万人居住在离市中心不到一小时车程的地方. 现在也有很多年轻人居住在城市及其周边地区, 包括大量的学生.

They too are benefiting from an ambitious technology hub as it is now a first-choice destination for many people wanting to develop a career in tech.

这是一个巨大的转变,从过去的首都诱惑. 人们现在选择十大网博靠谱平台是因为他们看到了伟大, modern, 这里的创新企业拥有绝佳的就业机会. 也许是“第二城市”,但肯定不是第二好城市——这一点很好.

十大网博靠谱平台现在有了像苹果授权经销商品牌Sync这样的先锋新公司, which achieved unicorn status this year and or leading coding school Northcorders who won £10m funding boost to expand bootcamps in software development and data engineering.

当然不要忘记, 全球科技和电子商务巨头The Hut集团(THG)在伦敦证交所上市, who have their own campus next to Manchester Airport and our very own Stockport neighbours and technology reseller platform – musicMagpie.

Manchester is a leading place to put down roots because of businesses such as these Kao Data are always very keen to support the communities in which we operate. 来自我们的哈洛和斯劳校区, 我们与联合技术希思罗数字期货项目建立了伙伴关系. 这有助于我们向年轻一代介绍数据中心, 让他们进入我们的网站,并鼓励他们参加各种教育项目.


We like to do things right as we arrive in a new community - we don’t just turn up in a place like Manchester and make the investment without thinking about the consequences. Our focus is being 100% sustainable in all our dealings with people and making it a win-win for everyone.

We have been delighted with the initial response to our arrival from the business and neighbouring community in Greater Manchester. 这是非常积极的. They’re embracing the fact that we’re repurposing an old brownfield site and are happy we’re going to put a critical piece of tech infrastructure there. We’ve been so grateful. 如果没有他们的支持,这一切就不会发生.

I also hope that by sharing my experience I can encourage more women to do the same and inspire more females and young people to consider a career in tech.

说实话,数据中心行业是英国发展最快的行业之一, 我们的建设速度无法满足未来的需求, especially from AI - and we are a young industry so there is plenty of opportunity to help shape it.

However, it’s frightening how few women work in tech or see data centres as a viable option for a career. 

这正是我和花王数据的同事们正在寻求改变的, 很高兴看到我们公司今年的奖项, two of my colleagues Jo and Wendy picked up Employee of the Year and New Starter of the Year awards. 

十大网博靠谱平台的大十大网博靠谱平台计划, 我们将与任何能够帮助更多女性进入男性主导的科技领域的人合作.

Why shouldn’t a young girl from Reddish one day manage the operations in Kao Data’s future data centre? 数据中心的工作不应该被认为是以男性为中心的, 当地人也可以参与进来.

That’s a message I would like all aspiring young people in Stockport to be holding dear right now – one of the world’s most advanced data centres, 满是尖端人工智能硬件的城市将在几年内落户. Why can’t someone who is currently at Stockport College right now, be sat alongside us a few years?

Having a new data centre is crucial to driving interest and establishing more international data centre expertise in the region and it will certainly boost Greater Manchester’s tech future.

我们选择十大网博靠谱平台正是出于这个原因——这是对这座城市的真正承诺,我的城市. 这个地区正在向前发展,对英国的经济成功至关重要. 探索新的领域是必要的, away from the south-east, 并在人才充足的更多地区刺激工业发展, 更少的瓶颈,以及北方人的热情和对天赋的态度.

We hope that by building the largest data centre in the north of England it will encourage our partners to get involved in further establishing the data centre market here in the city region. We need to expand capacity beyond the West London Availability Zones and Manchester is a big piece of that puzzle.

想到我工作的公司在我的家乡投资这么多,真是太不可思议了. 引用一句典型的十大网博靠谱平台语——“我嗡嗡作响”。, 十大网博靠谱平台很热闹,我真的很自豪花王数据将使这种热闹更加响亮.

It’s great to be back!

Find out why Manchester is the perfect choice for Kao Data's new 40MW Data Centre by downloading our whitepaper here


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