
MD Voices: Navigating 十大网博靠谱平台's Shifting Tech Job Landscape - Insights and Strategies for Success

十大网博靠谱平台数字公司, we like to conduct interviews with our members to delve deeper into their areas of passion within the dynamic digital and technology landscape of Greater 十大网博靠谱平台. 本周我们将与 Hays Technology 商务总监丹尼尔·麦克尼尼将与我们讨论数字化招聘趋势.

What are the current market conditions for technology recruitment in 十大网博靠谱平台, 以及近年来它们是如何演变的?

比前几年更具挑战性. 也就是说, 我们所看到的, 看到了之前4-5个月的情况, 更多的是市场正常化吗. 

The last 3 years have seen an unprecedented surge in demand: huge demand for talent; huge pipelines of projects driven by massive, 加速(强制), in some cases) digital transformations; huge worker movement; huge candidate demand; but, 适度的实薪 & 日薪增长.

In some ways, now is less challenging; perhaps more rewarding. Ultimately, it should mean recruiters are able to better service candidates & 客户,提高他们的服务质量. 这对我们来说太好了, 以及整个科技界, 我们所处的行业是一个难以置信的弹性行业吗, 项目背后的问题依然存在, 颠覆的机会依然存在, 而这个行业充满了光明, 有创造力的 & 驱动的人.

In 十大网博靠谱平台 at the moment, permanent recruitment is slower than previous Autumns. 招聘冻结, 推迟的项目, 政治上的不确定性, 随之而来的是商业信心的下降吗 & 节日前招聘的截止时间越来越近. Some decision makers we are speaking to are eyeing a fresh start in the New Year.  合同招聘即使不引人注目,也是稳定的.

从根本上, 英国国家统计局的最新数据显示,目前仍有186人,全国范围内的职位空缺比新冠疫情前增加了1000个,所以还远没有到末日 & 忧郁.

Can you identify any specific technology sectors that are currently performing exceptionally well in terms of job opportunities and growth in the 十大网博靠谱平台 area?

没有一个行业的表现比其他行业好得多. 的数据 & metrics we use internally tell us most sectors are feeling the pinch somewhat. 风投/私募基金仍然有资金流入,但我们的客户, 以及我们用来追踪投资的平台, 展示与2022年不同的景观. Internal tech teams and the public sector roll on but without the gung-ho hiring of recent times.

远程工作的兴起和疫情对就业市场的影响是什么, 十大网博靠谱平台如何适应科技行业的招聘惯例, 你预计会有长期的变化吗?


十大网博靠谱平台也不例外, and the fact we have such a broad spectrum of companies here across Product, 公司总部, 公共部门等意味着它代表了整个英国.

当然,最明显的变化是远程采访. What’s interesting now is companies realising/remembering that meeting someone face to face creates more buy in & 承诺,以及更融洽的关系. 向候选人展示你的办公室、当地咖啡馆的能力 & the facilities exponentially increase your chance of securing the candidate you want. 但是,提醒你一句,你仍然必须灵活 & 通常你确实有理由 & 有时向他们解释为什么要来见你.

现在仍然有很多远程办公公司,但数量更多 & 更多的人甚至每个月都能让人们回来几天. When Amazon, Meta, Google and, finally, Zoom do it, you know there’s been a shift.

The interesting thing here is that over the last 2-3 years candidates have had an enormous plethora of choice, 客户一直在, 有时, 绝望的. 因此, many candidates have strong assertions around their WFH expectations that are beginning to look a little out of step with the market. 往年, clients didn’t have much power to insist; now some, 就像上面提到的巨兽一样, do.

一个不那么活跃的市场意味着更少的选择, and a reduction (*correction*) in choice means candidates must put up with their not-absolutely-perfect situation in terms of WFH or benefits etc. 或者留在原地.

Another interesting point will be to what extent the market needs to readjust in terms of the contractor vs perm workforce. 随着越来越多的承包商坐在板凳上的时间越来越长,费率趋于稳定(或下降), 在现实中, 同类减少同类), 多少百分比的承包商将转为永久工作.

What are the most in-demand skills or qualifications that employers are seeking when hiring technology professionals in 十大网博靠谱平台, 以及这些要求是如何随着时间变化的?

数据民间 & 转向人工智能工具的软件开发人员, 如果还没有, 将是下一个最受欢迎的组合. 当然, 有些行业在这方面有更大的障碍, 但这种转变正在发生, 如果增量. 

全面的, 现代软件工程师总是供不应求, as are Project professionals with a demonstrable track record in Digital Transformation 项目.

Lastly, Cyber Security hiring is proving resilient to current market trends. 很多公司都愿意提供整体服务, 或者至少是一部分, 这个功能在内部但不知道从哪里开始, 这就是他们对咨询公司的依赖 & 供应商. 这个领域的项目经理, 有技术知识, 除了项目印章, 会继续做得很好吗.

What advice would you give to technology professionals looking to stand out in their job search or employers aiming to attract top talent in 十大网博靠谱平台's competitive technology market?


  • 知道你找新工作的“原因” 
  • 你对你想为之工作的公司类型做过调查吗?为什么
  • 在行业中找一个“传声筒”来帮助你做出选择
  • 开通你的LinkedIn & 简历更新和对齐
  • 记录下你申请的地方 & 申请后你采取了什么后续行动 


  • 准备好推销的不只是角色和项目 & 技术,但你是一个怎样的领导者 & 导师
  • 想清楚了吗 & 一致的执行副总裁
  • 了解你的好处 & 以某种方式为候选人赚钱, 令我们惊讶的是,招聘经理往往不知道有什么福利存在
  • 不要欺骗别人, recruitment is a difficult process to get right but people appreciate honest, 坦诚的反馈


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Dynamics 365 CRM开发-公共部门

瀚纳仕的技术部门是全球领先的技术招聘机构. We’ve spent years nurturing an ecosystem of highly engaged and unique candidates, providing progressive technology and disruptive digital organisations with the skills of today and tomorrow. 你是否在寻找合同, 临时或长期职位, we have the knowledge and network to help you find people who can make a real difference to your organisation. 我们有/ 2,全球32个国家的500名专业技术招聘人员, 谁目前与超过30人合作,000个技术承包商,填补了超过20个,每年有1万个永久性的技术岗位.作为你的伴侣, 我们可以在基础设施中招聘各种各样的角色, 网络安全, 云, 软件开发, data & 高级分析、项目 & change management, leadership, intelligent automation, Salesforce, Workday and ServiceNow.我们知道技术人才很难找到, which is why we’ve been cultivating talent communities around the world for years, 从初级经验到主管和CIO级别, 帮助专业人士找到他们可以发挥作用的角色. This enables us to provide you with access to niche professionals with relevant skills and experience that match your business ambitions.我们从头到尾管理招聘流程, 通过评估和技术测试找到最优秀的人才, 帮助把合适的人安排到合适的地方. 这意味着我们总能找到最适合你的角色.我们的洞察力是由经验驱动的, 情报和数据, 我们对新技术和新系统的投资使之成为可能. Our research keeps our customers up to date about what the tech market looks like now and what the skills of tomorrow will be, and can help you offer the right salaries and benefits to attract top talent. We enjoy established partnerships to give our customers unparalleled access to unique insights and so you have access to the latest market intelligence.我们为你的成功而投资, we’re ambitious for your aspirations and we want to secure the talent/future tech career that matters to you. 

Hays Technology

