

foresight mobile的iOS开发

不管你是爱他们还是恨他们, Apple has an extremely devoted worldwide fanbase - a worldwide fanbase that you could be tapping into with an iOS app to promote and sell your products and services.

但这有多容易呢? 从哪里开始呢?? 多少钱? Are you restricted by the content that Apple will allow you to publish? 最重要的是,谁来为你建造它? 

我们是Foresight Mobile, iOS和 安卓应用程序 为Levi 's和EA Sports这样的公司工作了十多年, 在这个博客里, 我们将向您介绍设计的各个阶段, 生产, 测试, 发布一款成功的iOS应用. 


还记得我们在介绍中提到的全球观众吗? 这是iOS应用程序可以让你访问的内容. 

  • The Apple App Store has over 2 million apps, 460,000 of which are games

  • 游戏占21个.06% of the App Store, while business and education are the next most popular categories

  • The App Store has over 1 trillion downloads and is available in over 150 countries and regions, 使其成为世界上最大的移动应用商店 

  • iOS应用程序是全球第二受欢迎的应用程序,有28个.4%的市场份额.

  • 苹果的iOS应用商店则是50分.在英国的市场份额为79%. That means that of the 65 million smartphones projected to be used in the UK by 2025, 大约3300万部将是苹果设备.

这是一些令人信服的数据! So, now that we’ve sparked a fire under you, you'll want to know how to build an iOS App. 



每一个成功的iOS应用都是从一个想法开始的. 但问题是, 即使你的想法是应用程序历史上最好的想法, it will still fall flat on its face if you don't do your market research 太. Really do your due diligence; find out what niche you can exploit in your target market, and discover what it is that your competitors are doing well to make them successful. 

Once you've done that, it’s time to go through the ‘sketching it out on the back of a napkin’ phase. Draw out some wireframes and really try to refine your user interface and user experience here, because an app that’s pleasurable to use will define how well it does once it’s published. 


If you’re on a small budget, you could use a no-code app builder to make it yourself. 使用无代码应用程序构建器, 你输入一些提示,告诉你想让你的应用做什么, 它将如何运作, 它会是什么样子, 然后人工智能为你写代码. 如果你需要创建一个带有定制功能的iOS应用, 那么,无代码应用程序构建器可能不是最佳选择. 虽然他们一开始很擅长帮你省钱, 它们不是很灵活, 特别是在进行未来的更新和维护时, so bear that in mind; with a no-code app builder, you get what you pay for and you WILL end up paying more further down the line. 

Alternatively, you could hire a freelance developer to build your app. 很可能, 你会得到一个很好的结果, 并且您可以对构建的各个方面进行大量控制, 但你也要为这种体验付出额外的代价, 太. 选择自由职业者要考虑的另一件事是, 他们很少提供持续的支持, so expect them to take the money and run once they’ve been paid for the build.

最后,还有代理路线. Agencies like Foresight Mobile will have a team of developers with different areas of expertise, and you’ll get a rich melting pot of experience and skills to mine from. 您还将获得更多的持续支持, 使更新和修复任何潜在的小故障无障碍. An agency is definitely the best way to build an iOS app if you're looking for a rewarding experience and a successful outcome. 


如果你决定使用无代码应用构建器, you’ll also need to decide whether you want to design your app from the ground up or whether you’re going to use preconfigured templates. 如果你的预算很少,或者你的截止日期很严格, 那么,预配置的模板可以提供极大的帮助. 然而, the trade-off is that it's never going to be as flexible as a custom-designed app, 特别是在执行未来的更新时.

Speak to whoever is 建筑 your iOS app for their advice before you start the development phase. 


测试是任何iOS应用构建的关键部分. 如果你的应用经常滞后, 故障, 崩溃, 界面笨拙, 或者产生错误消息, 然后人们就会毫不犹豫地发表尖刻的评论. 测试,测试,再测试. 

既然你这么做了, 确保您的应用程序符合任何规则和法规, and set some time aside to find some kick-ass screenshots to really entice people to download it. 如果你要对应用收费, 确保价格有竞争力, 或者在你开始之前,它就会消失得无影无踪. 


终于到了把你所有的努力付诸行动的时候了. 提交到苹果商店相对简单, 但它可能需要一到两天的时间才能获得批准, 所以要有耐心. 

祝贺你! 你刚刚开发了一个iOS应用!


凭借你所能接触到的潜在用户的庞大规模, 为你的公司开发一款iOS应用是一件无需动脑筋的事情. But that's only if it's done well; an app that looks and performs terribly can do just as much damage to your brand as it can do good when it's done properly. 


The team at Foresight Mobile has over a decade of experience in planning, 设计, 建筑, 故障排除, 发布成功的iOS应用. We’ve used a whole host of different native and cross-platform development programmes for our clients’ apps, 我们保证它们没有bug,运行正常,用我们的 支持和维护服务

If you need an iOS app developed but don't want to use a no-code app builder, get in touch with us. We can help you create a custom app that meets your specific needs and performs like a dream. Together, we’ll craft something that will take your business to the next level and beyond.

