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Flutter Version 3.13: Proof That 13 Isn't Always Unlucky

Flutter new version | Foresight Mobile

就像昨天我们还在为那些小小的改进垂涎三尺 version 3.10 of Flutter had given us. Flutter团队认真听取了他们在版本3上得到的反馈.10, and it shows, as Flutter 3.13 puts it to shame. With enhanced graphics, improved performance, more customisation options, 2D scrolling, and more, 你可以看到为什么Foresight Mobile团队对这些新的改进对我们的游戏来说意味着什么感到如此兴奋 clients’ apps. 让我们更详细地看看这些新添加的内容.

What is Flutter, and why do we use it?

Flutter是一个由Google创建的开源UI工具包, 它用于从单个代码库开发跨平台应用程序. With Flutter, Foresight Mobile builds beautiful, fast, and native-feeling apps for mobile, web, desktop, and embedded devices. 我们喜欢使用它,因为它使应用程序易于构建, maintain, update, and change quickly, 这对我们客户的需求来说是理想的(它可以阻止我们扯掉我们剩下的一点点头发)。.

What is Flutter 3.13?

Flutter 3.13是Flutter平台最新的季度稳定版本. 这个版本包含了许多新功能和改进,让我们在座位上跳上跳下.

What’s new in Flutter 3.13?

Glad you asked! 这个最新版本比上一个版本要全面得多, 它将给我们的客户提供更多的灵活性来定制他们的应用程序,确切地说是他们想要的样子, run, sound, and feel.

Faster graphics on iOS

多亏了叶轮图形渲染器的改进, iOS上的Flutter应用现在渲染速度明显加快. 这在具有复杂动画或图形的应用程序中尤其明显. In more good news for Apple users, Impeller for macOS is now available in preview mode. Android用户将不得不为叶轮等待更长时间, however, as this version is still a work in progress. 然而,这应该不会太久就会被引入. 

2D scrolling

The new 2D scrolling APIs in Flutter 3.13使创建具有平滑和响应式滚动行为的应用程序变得更容易. 这些api是基于CSS滚动模型的, 我们已经很熟悉了(而且是超级粉丝).

New Sliver classes

Flutter 3.13还引入了新的银色类用于花哨的滚动,如SliverGrid和SliverList. 这些类使创建复杂和复杂的滚动布局变得更加容易, such as grids, lists, and menus.

Other notable improvements in Flutter 3.13 include

  • Superior performance of image loading
  • Upgraded support for keyboard input
  • Improved accessibility support
  • To better support foldable devices, 添加了一个新的API来检索显示的各种属性
  • 改进了TextField的平台自适应对话和字符识别功能
  • More customisation for Material widgets
  • 改进DevTools的性能和可用性
  • Bug fixes 
  • Applications will get Material 3 默认的颜色、文本样式和其他视觉效果.
  • Support for Android 14/API 34
  • iOS 17 and Xcode 15-ready

What does the Flutter 3.13 update mean for you?

所有这些改进意味着Foresight Mobile团队可以更灵活地创建和维护应用程序. 自2017年成立以来,我们一直在与Flutter合作, so when a new version comes along, we can adapt to it with ease. 不管你是否从头开始用一个新的 cross-platform 项目或你有一个现有的Flutter应用程序,你想要更新, our expert team can take these new version 3.13 features and turn them to your advantage. 点击下面的按钮预约免费咨询,一定要 get in touch 如果您对最新版本的Flutter有任何疑问.

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