


在过去的七年里, the UK economy has experienced a huge amount of turbulence due to national and global events; from Brexit and IR35 to the Global Chip shortage, 新型冠状病毒肺炎, 转向远程办公, 乌克兰战争和俄罗斯对外银行的崩溃.

These events have painfully highlighted one of the features of a highly interconnected global market on national economies; when anyone sneezes, 我们都感冒了.

英国人才市场通常被称为经济的风向标, we feel the effects first as demand for talent expands and contracts in anger to market sentiment towards these economic events. 但从科技人才市场来看,情况就更奇怪了.

确定, we’ve all read how Big Tech has laid off vast numbers of professionals due to global events and over-eager hiring in the post-COVID boom. 如果你认为接触科技人才应该变得越来越容易,这是可以理解的. 很难用语言来形容数字市场的规模、活力和活力. And while for some hiring in 2023 became easier many still struggled as the best candidates found jobs easily and those in secure roles decided not to risk moving at 不确定的 times.

We can be confident that these economic fluctuations will continue as a feature of globalisation, and I don’t see the challenge of hiring digital and tech talent getting easier any time soon as demand continues to outstrip supply (as an industry we need to do more to promote grassroots talent but that’s another story for another article).

所以如果你在招聘,了解如何成功是很重要的, twenty years of hiring digital and tech talent in 十大网博靠谱平台 has taught me a thing or two about what works and what doesn’t. 以下是我所学到的.


The very best candidates will have a multitude of opportunities to choose from so you need to make sure your offering is attractive, the first step to this is understanding what it is about your company and opportunity that will appeal to your target candidate market.

一个很好的开始就是让你现有的员工参与进来, 问问他们为什么喜欢为你工作, 是什么说服了他们澳门十大正规赌博娱乐平台,为什么他们一直和你在一起. 了解是什么让你脱颖而出, 无论是灵活的工作环境, 发展框架, 可持续发展实践, 令人兴奋的技术或长期存在的行业. 

此外,倾听市场,考虑你要雇佣的人的类型. Developers for example have specific criteria when choosing job opportunities that will differ from other skill sets. Understand what these priorities are and highlight the aspects where your company excels. 

When you invest in developing and delivering a strong employee value proposition (EVP), 你吸引人才的可能性提高了50%. 

重要的是, 人们希望在人们快乐的地方工作, 28%的求职者表示,这是他们考虑新工作时的首要考虑. 


You’ve listened to your people and the market; you’ve defined why you’re a great company to work for and can clearly articulate your EVP. 但如果你不告诉别人,这就毫无意义了. Capture your EVP in candidate brochures, careers pages on your website and social media pages. And don’t neglect employment referral sites while I know they are often a place for people to go moan they are a place where potential future employees will look to find out about your business. 

For technical roles tech blogs are a great way of showcasing ongoing projects and technological advancements, 吸引你想要吸引的精通技术的候选人.

I’d also suggest actively participating in community events to enhance your company's visibility and appeal, whether that’s hosting an event or just giving your staff time off to go to events it all helps spread your message.

Building your employment brand in the market requires consistent promotional activity. 定期举办活动, 分享员工的成功, videos and employee testimonials should be a core part of your strategy but the most effective strategies, 鼓励你的人为你做分享. 你的员工网络可能比品牌的候选人网络更大, 他们的声音更有分量. 


在当今竞争激烈的招聘环境中,速度是你最好的朋友. 最成功的雇主会简化他们的流程, 对简历提供快速反馈, 加快面试安排, 并及时反馈所有候选人的表现, 不管他们是否成功.

44% of candidates think waiting for more than two weeks after an interview means the opportunity is no longer worthwhile. While faster response time was ranked as the top way for companies to improve their candidate experience. 你走得越快, 你就越有可能获得顶尖人才, 因为拖延会导致潜在的候选人失去其他机会.

通过减少不必要的阶段来简化面试过程. 成功的雇主精简了他们的程序, 通常只选择一到两个面试阶段. 大多数候选人(51%)认为两轮面试是必要的. 此外, 对于技术角色, 考虑忽略传统的技术测试, 因为它可以被视为候选人的额外障碍.


并不是每个候选人都会收到录用通知, and how you manage rejections is key to building your employer brand especially in 十大网博靠谱平台 where we have a close knit community.

拒绝的过程是一个留下积极印象的机会, 提供建设性的反馈, 突出需要改进的地方. A positive rejection experience can contribute to a candidate's ongoing positive perception of your company. 如果你不跟进,五分之一的候选人会损害你的品牌, 包括拒绝向他人推荐或留下差评. 


金钱万能,对吗?? 而招聘过程涉及到很多因素, 在任何选择职位的激励因素中,薪水永远是第一位的. 确保你提供的薪水具有竞争力. 还记得, it's not necessarily about offering the highest salary but if you're not competitive, 你不会得到最顶尖的人才, 不管你认为你的机会有多好.


求职者的经历并不会随着被录用而结束. Ensure a smooth onboarding process by maintaining constant communication leading up to the start date. This not only keeps candidates engaged but also embeds a positive impression of your company from the outset.

这个市场不稳定。, 不确定的, 复杂而模糊, 预计2024年将是全球市场的积极一年, 虽然这对就业来说是个好消息, 对顶尖技术人才的需求将会加剧. It is so important businesses have a recruitment strategy that enables them to acquire the skills to fulfil business objectives, 不要被落下, hopefully these tips will help you position your organisation to win the so called war on talent. 


